Faculty Publications

2023. Javier Lorenzo. Space, Drama, and Empire: Mapping the Past in Lope de Vega’s Comedia. (Bucknell University Press)

2023. Nieves González-Fuentes, No, hija, esta vez no. (La Moderna)

2022. Jill E. Twark, ed. Invested Narratives: German Responses to Economic Crisis. (Berghahn Books)

2022. Marylaura Papalas, co-editor with Kelly Comfort. New Directions in Flânerie, Global Perspectives for the Twenty-First Century. (Routledge)

2018. Dale Knickerbocker, ed. Lingua Cosmica: Science Fiction from Around the World. (University of Illinois Press)

2017. Katherine Ford. The Theater of Revisions in the Hispanic Caribbean. New Directions in Latino American Cultures. (Palgrave McMillan)

2016. Ben Fraser. Cultures of Representation: Disability in World Cinema Contexts. (Wallflower Press/ Columbia University Press)

2015. Michael Schinasi. Ventura de la Vega and El hombre de mundo: At the Threshold of the Realist Period in Spain. (Academia del Hispanismo, Vigo Spain)

2015. Juan Daneri, Text ed. and trans. Tras las sombras del Tibet / Behind the Shadows of Tibet by Alex von Bischhoffshausen (Patagonia: Desde las Antípodas Ediciones)

2015. Frédéric Fladenmuller. Proust ou l’écriture inversive. Currents in Comparative Romance Languages and Literatures, v. 226. Peter Lang.

2015. Ben Fraser Digital Cities. The Interdisciplinary Future of the Urban Geo-Humanities (Palgrave McMillan).

2015. Jill Twark ed., Envisioning Social Justice in Contemporary German Culture. Studies in German Literature, Linguistics, and Culture. Camden House.

2015. Benjamin Fraser. Toward an Urban Cultural Studies. Henri Lefebvre and the Humanities. Hispanic Urban Studies. Palgrave McMillan.

2014. Charles Fantazzi, ed. Brill’s Encyclopedia of the Neo-Latin World (with Jan Bloemendal and Philip Ford). Brill Publishers, Leiden, 2014.

2014. Steven Cerutti, ed. Cicero. Pro Archia Poeta Oratio. Bolchazy-Carducci. 3rd AP edition. 1999. A Structural Analysis of the Speech and Companion to the Commentary.

2014. John Given, ed. The Fragmentary History of Priscus. Attila, the Huns, and the Roman Empire AD 430-476. Christian Roman Empire Vol. 11. Arx Publishing.

2013. Susanne Lenné Jones. The Multiplicities of Memories in Contemporary German Literature: How Photographs are Used to Reconstruct Narratives of History. Edwin Mellen Press.

2011. Jill Twark, ed. Strategies of Humor in Post-Unification German Literature, Film, and Other Media. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

2010. Katherine Ford. Politics and Violence in Cuban and Argentine Theater. Palgrave Macmillan.

2010. Frédéric Fladenmuller. La voix neutre du chaos: Étude sur la complexité de textes modernes. Currents in Comparative Romance Languages and Literatures, v. 179. Peter Lang.

2010. Charles Fantazzi, trans. The Correspondence of Erasmus. Vol. 13 Letters 1802-1925. 2011. Vol. 14 Letters 1926-2081. Collected Works of Erasmus. University of Toronto Press.

2010. Peter Standish, ed. Aura: By Carlos Fuentes. Durham Modern Languages. Manchester University Press.

2009. Peter Standish, ed., The States of Mexico: A Reference Guide to History and Culture. Greenwood Press. Westport, Conn.

2008. Charles Fantazzi, ed. A Companion to Juan Luis Vives. Brill’s Companions to the Christian Tradition. E.J. Brill, Leiden.

2007. Jill Twark. Humor, Satire, and Identity: Eastern German Literature in the 1990s. Walter de Gruyter. Berlin.

2007. Javier Lorenzo. Nuevos casos, nuevas artes: Intertextualidad, autorrepresentación e ideología en la obra de Juan Boscán. Currents in Comparative Romance Languages and Literatures, v.158. Peter Lang.

2006. Charles Fantazzi, General Editor. Selected works of Juan Luis Vives. Brill. Leiden. 8 vols:
- Early Writings I (1987).
- Declamationes Sullanae I (1989).
- De conscribendis Epistolis (1989).
- De Subventione Pauperum sive De Humanis Necessitatibus, Libri II (2002).
- Early Writings II (1991).
- De Institutione Feminae Christianae, Liber Primus (1996).
- De Institutione Feminae Christianae, Liber Secundus & Liber Tertius (1998).
- De officio mariti (2006).

2005. Michael Schinasi. Ventura de la Vega, Poemas. Textos v.4. Grupo de Estudios del Siglo XVIII. Universidad de Salamanca.

2004. Charles Fantazzi, ed. and trans. Angelo Poliziano. Silvae. I Tatti Renaissance Library. Harvard University Press.

2004. Peter Standish, co-author. Culture and Customs of Mexico. Culture and Customs of Latin America and the Caribbean. Greenwood Press. Westport, Conn.

2003. Dale Knickerbocker. Juan José Millás: The Obsessive-Compulsive Aesthetic. Currents in Comparative Romance Languages and Literatures, v.123. Peter Lang.

2002. Frédéric Fladenmuller. Télescopie: la science du genre d’ À la recherche du temps perdu. Currents in Comparative Romance Languages and Literatures, v. 106. Peter Lang. NY.

2002. Marcela Ruiz-Funes. On Teaching Foreign Languages: Linking Theory to Practice. Contemporary Language Education. Praeger. Westport, Conn.

2002. John Stevens, ed. M. Tulli Ciceronis Somnium Scipionis Bryn Mawr Latin Commentaries. Bryn Mawr, Pa.

2001. Peter Standish. Understanding Julio Cortázar. Understanding Modern European and Latin American Literature. University of South Carolina Press. Columbia SC.

2000. Charles Fantazzi, trans. The Education of a Christian Woman: A Sixteenth-Century Manual. The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe. University Of Chicago Press.

1998. Birgit Jensen. Auf Der Morschen Gartenschaukel: Kindheit als Problem bei Theodor Fontane. Amsterdamer Publikationen zur Sprache und Literatur v.132. Rodopi. Amsterdam.

1997. Frank Romer. Pomponius Mela’s Description of the World. University of Michigan Press. Paperback 1998.

1996. Steven Cerutti. Cicero’s Accretive Style: Rhetorical Strategies in the Exordia of the Judicial Speeches. University Press of America.

1996. Peter Standish, co-editor with Terry Peavler. Structures of Power : Essays on Twentieth-Century Spanish-American Fiction. Latin American and Iberian Thought and Culture. SUNY Press. Albany.

1995. Peter Standish. Hispanic Culture of South America. Dictionary of 20th Century Culture. Gale Group. 1996. Hispanic Culture of Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean.

1995. Debra Anderson. Decolonizing the Text: Glissantian Readings in Caribbean and African-American Literatures. Francophone Cultures and Literatures, v.1. Peter Lang.

1994. Frédéric Fladenmuller. Caractérisation et les modes de la narration dans le roman moderne: théorie de narratologie caractérologique. Reading Plus, v. 14. Peter Lang. NY

1992. Steven Dock. Costume & Fashion in the Plays of Jean-Baptiste Poquelin Molière : A Seventeenth-Century Perspective. Slatkine. Genève.

1988. Sylvie Debevec Henning. Beckett’s Critical Complicity: Carnival, Contestation, and Tradition. U. Press of Kentucky. Lexington.