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An internship provides students with practical experience in the use of a foreign language and the opportunity to develop cultural competence under the supervision of practicing Sponsors in different professional fields. It affords experiences that will help students develop their linguistic and cultural competence, obtain professional experience, and develop self-confidence. It offers students the opportunity to test their aptitude and commitment to a field of professional activity and help clarify future career goals. At the same time, student interns contribute to the mission and goals of the sponsor so that both parties benefit from the internship.

Student interns perform professional services in the foreign language for an appropriate sponsoring agency, business, or organization for a total of 42-126 contact hours. The internship may serve as the capstone experience of students’ academic preparation for working in a professional environment, and may be pursued in a variety of fields including but not limited to business, criminal justice, health sciences and social services. Faculty supervisors from the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures organize and provide indirect supervision of field placements. An on-site field supervisor directs and evaluates students’ activities at the business, agency or organization. Faculty supervisors evaluate written assignments, and, in consultation with the field supervisor, assign grades. The student, field supervisor and faculty supervisor maintain communication concerning professional development, issues, policies, and evaluations.

Internship Manual

Spanish Internships

For more information, contact Prof. Juan Daneri.

German Internships

Duale Hochschule in Mannheim

Business, engineering, hospitality and other professional majors receive a paid internship at a German company in spring semester, coordinated by the Duale Hochschule in Mannheim , if they spend fall semester studying there. You need four semesters of German (GERM 1001-2004) or equivalent language proficiency. Apply online here by January 31 if you want to study abroad the following fall semester or by February 15 for the following academic year.


RISE Germany offers summer research internships in Germany for undergraduate students from North America in the natural sciences, engineering, and life sciences. Students are matched with doctoral students, whom they assist and who mentor them. Interns receive a monthly stipend to cover daily expenses. About 300 scholarships are available each year. RISE enables students to learn more about Germany’s research landscape and study opportunities.

Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals (CBYX)

CBYX is an all-expenses-paid fellowship funded by the German federal parliament and U.S. Department of State that annually provides 75 American and 75 German young professionals, from 18½–24, the opportunity to spend a year in each other’s countries, studying, interning, and living with hosts in a cultural immersion program. The program has three phases: 1) two months of intensive German language; 2) four months of classes in one’s academic or career field at a university, technical, or professional school; and 3) a five-month internship in your career field. CBYX is open to all fields of study. For more information, contact an ECU German professor and

Find more international internships here.