Student Groups
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Student Ambassadors
Since the Fall of 2015, the department of Foreign Languages & Literatures has received the help of a special group of dedicated students. Members of the FLL Council of Student Ambassadors are unified by their common love of the study of languages and cultures from around the globe, from the past and the present.
The Council of Student Ambassadors recognizes students who are strong performers in our classes, and who are dedicated to foreign language study and sharing their enthusiasm with other students and the community. The organization honors our best students, builds community across the language sections, publicizes the department, and does outreach to recruit majors and minors.
We tip our hats to this vibrant and talented group of students and the impact they will have on communities here in North Carolina and around the Globe!
Honor Societies
Φ Σ Ι Phi Sigma Iota
Induction into ECU’s Sigma Upsilon Chapter of the Phi Sigma Iota international foreign language honor society, established in 1969, represents our highest academic honor in the field of foreign languages. Students must be juniors or seniors majoring or minoring in a foreign language discipline, possess a minimum 3.0 GPA in foreign language courses and 3.0 overall. Members join together in club activities and provide service to students of foreign language and the community.
Delta Phi Alpha, the National German Honor Society
Induction into ECU’s Eta Mu Chapter, established in 2005, represents our highest academic honor in the field of German Studies. Students must have taken the equivalent of two years of college in German, possess a minimum 3.25 GPA in German and 2.75 overall. Members should be interested in the continuing study of German language and literature (not necessarily graduate school). A lifetime membership fee of $20 must accompany each application for initiation into the Society. Each new member receives an embossed membership certificate and a copy of the Delta Phi Alpha Bulletin. Additional information is available on the Delta Phi Alpha Homepage . For more information, contact Dr. Susanne Jones.
Sigma Delta Pi, the National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society
Honor Society Induction and Installation Ceremony
In March 2023, we celebrated academic excellence and passion for the German language and culture as our most outstanding French, German, and Spanish students were inducted into the Delta Phi Alpha, Sigma Delta Pi, and Pi Delta Phi, the National French Honor Society at ECU. Guest speaker and ECU alumni for the FLL Honor Society Induction Ceremony, Javier Castillo from Castillo Language Services, emphasized to us, “Your skills are perishable!” and the importance to continue practicing the skills we want to hone and perfect.
Language Clubs
Reading Group: Ancient Greek Reading Group
Anyone interested in reading ancient Greek, whether Biblical or classical, no matter how much or how little experience, contact Prof. Tricia Wilson-Okamura at for meeting times and information.
French Club
Contact Dr. Larkin Murphy at .
La table française. Voulez-vous parler français avec nous? Informal gatherings at lunchtime to practice French. Faculty Lounge, Foreign Languages and Literatures Department, 3rd Floor Bate Building. Contact Dr. Marylaura Papalas at
ECU German Club
Wollen Sie Deutsch sprechen? Möchten Sie neue Freunde finden? Wir freuen uns auf Sie! Faculty Lounge, Foreign Languages and Literatures Department, 3rd Floor Bate Building. Contact Dr. Jill Twark at
Japanese Culture Club
Follow Japanese Culture Club on Instagram (@ECUKaiwaClub) for upcoming meeting information! Meetings are in Bate 2003, Contact Prof. Tricia Wilson-Okamura at or Prof. Ken Tseng at
Russian Culture Club
Contact Dr. Elena Murenina at or Dr. Justin Wilmes at
Russian Tea and Conversation
Faculty Lounge, Foreign Languages and Literatures Department, 3rd Floor Bate Building. Contact Dr. Elena Murenina at
Spanish Club
Contact Kat Hayes at
Tardes de juego y para charlar
Unlock Your potential through Spanish conversation and games!
Join our group Spanish immersion sessions, led by experienced Learning Assistants who have excelled in SPAN 1001 through 2004. These sessions are available both in-person and online, covering Spanish course levels from 1001 to 2004. For more information click here.