Placement Surveys

Free online Placement Surveys are available on Canvas in Spanish, French, German, and Latin. Please click on the name of the survey below to access it. The survey should take 15-20 minutes to complete, depending on your background in the language. Your survey results do not go automatically in your record. The survey results will be reflected in your student record within 24 hours. Please plan to complete your survey before registration for classes begins!

If you cannot access the Canvas page, contact Ms. Lily Johnson at

You should plan to continue foreign language study right away as a first-year student. If you put it off, you may feel you need to go down a level to review, which only wastes time, money, and effort, and may delay graduation.

Please know that you won’t receive any credit until you take and complete a class at ECU – the Placement Survey itself does not result in credit. You are only allowed to take each placement survey once per academic year.

Students exercising the option to take the foreign language Placement Survey may enroll in a course one level higher than the placement indication with permission of the Chair of the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures either during the course adjustment period or by the end of the Drop/Add period. After successful completion of the course, students will, upon request, receive course credit, 3 semester hours, for each course sequentially preceding the one completed. This policy is to be applied to all students regardless of the date of their entry to the university, please see the Admission and Readmission page in the Undergraduate Catalog.

Spanish Placement Survey

Placement is required to enroll in Spanish, even level 1001. We apologize for the inconvenience to those new to the language, but we must require a Placement Survey of all students enrolling in Spanish to make sure they are placed at the correct level.

If you experience any technical difficulties with the placement surveys or need to take a survey in several languages, please contact Ms. Lily Johnson at

French, German & Latin Placement Surveys

Students with previous experience in French, German, or Latin must take the Placement Survey. This allows students to advance to the appropriate level and to receive course credits for the bypassed language course(s), when possible.

Students who already have advanced placement (AP), international baccalaureate (IB), college level examination program (CLEP), or college transfer credit in a language should continue with the next level and are not eligible for Placement Surveys in that language. For more information on this type of credit, please see the Admission and Readmission page in the Undergraduate Catalog. Students who think that the Placement Survey has placed them incorrectly should review the appropriate policy in the Undergraduate Catalog and speak with their instructor.

If you experience any technical difficulties with the surveys or need to take a survey in several languages, please contact Ms. Lily Johnson at


Online Placement Surveys

After completing the Placement Survey and clicking “Submit,” your placement will automatically be sent to Banner and you will be able to register for your course within 2 business days. The online Placement Surveys are very simple and easy to take! They use your previous experience to help determine which course you should enroll in. They will not measure speaking or listening ability.  We do not offer automated online placement surveys in other languages and do not require them for enrollment, but students with prior experience may contact faculty members below for a placement interview.

    Ancient Greek


    Foreign Language Requirement

    Courses with prefix CHIN, FREN, GERM, GRK, ITAL, JAPN, LATN, RUSS, and SPAN satisfy the Foreign Language Requirement. Courses with prefix CLAS, GLST, and RUSI, which are taught in English, do not satisfy the Foreign Language Requirement.

    Students must demonstrate foreign language proficiency through level 2004 (12 sh) to meet BA degree requirements. Students who transfer in a higher level of foreign language proficiency such as SPAN 1002, will have the lower levels waived (no credits awarded).

    Students who already have advanced placement (AP), international baccalaureate (IB), college level examination program (CLEP), or college transfer credit in a language should continue with the next level and are not eligible for Placement Testing in that language. The Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures will recognize a state Seal of Biliteracy, regardless of the state in which it was earned. In North Carolina, this is called the Global Language Endorsement (GLE).

    Here students can see what their placement in these exams gives them and what course to take next:

    Advanced Placement Credit

    Placement TestScoreECU course that student takes nextCredit earnedCredits
    French Language3, 4, 5FREN 3001-03FREN 1001, 1002, 2003, 200412
    German Language3, 4, 5GERM 3001-03GERM 1001, 1002, 2003, 200412
    Italian Language & Culture3, 4, 5N/AITAL 1001, 1002, 2003, 200412
    Latin Language3, 4, 5LATN 3001LATN 1001, 1002, 2003, 200412
    Spanish Language3, 4, 5SPAN 3001-03SPAN 1001, 1002, 2003, 200412

    Cambridge International AS & A Levels

    CourseMinimum ScoreECU course that student takes nextCredit earnedCredits
    Arabic I, II, III, IV (AS)CN/AFLGC 1001, FLGC 1002, FLGC 1003, FLGC 100412
    Chinese I, II, III, IV (A)CN/ACHIN 1001, CHIN 1002, CHIN 2003, CHIN 200412
    German I, II, III, IV (A)CGERM 3001 or 3003GERM 1001, GERM 1002, GERM 2003, GERM 200412
    Hindi I, II, III, IV (A)CN/AFLGC 1001, FLGC 1002, FLGC 2002, FLGC 200312
    Portuguese I, II, III, IV (A)CN/AFLGC 1001, FLGC 1002, FLGC 2003, FLGC 200412
    Spanish I, II, III, IV (A)CSPAN 3001 or 3003SPAN 1001, SPAN 1002, SPAN 2003, SPAN 200412
    Tamil I, II, III, IV (A)CN/AFLGC 1001, FLGC 1002, FLGC 2002, FLGC 200312
    Urdu I, II, III, IV (A)CN/AFLGC 1001, FLGC 1002, FLGC 2002, FLGC 200312

    CLEP Credit Information

    CLEP ExaminationScoreECU course that student takes nextCredit earnedCredits
    French Language: Levels I, II50FREN 2003FREN 1001, 10026
    French Language: Levels I, II (Prior to Summer 2021)59FREN 3001FREN 1001, 1002, 2003, 200412
    French Language: Levels I, II (Effective Summer 2021)59FREN 2004FREN 1001, 1002, 20039
    German Language: Levels I, II50GERM 2003GERM 1001, 10026
    German Language: Levels I, II (Prior to Summer 2021)60GERM 3001 or 3003GERM 1001, 1002, 2003, 200412
    German Language: Levels I, II (Effective Summer 2021)60GERM 2004GERM 1001, 1002, 20039
    Spanish Language: Levels I, II50SPAN 2003SPAN 1001, 10026
    Spanish Language: Levels I, II (Prior to Summer 2021)60SPAN 3001 or 3003SPAN 1001, 1002, 2003, 200412
    Spanish Language: Levels I, II (Effective Summer 2021)63SPAN 2004SPAN 1001, 1002, 20039

    International Baccalaureate College Credit

    IB CourseScoreECU course that student takes nextCredit earnedCredits
    IB French (Standard Level)4+FREN 2004FREN 1001, 1002, 20039
    IB French (Higher Level)4+FREN 3001 or 3003FREN 1001, 1002, 2003, 200412
    IB German (Standard Level)4+GERM 2004GERM 1001, 1002, 20039
    IB German (Higher Level)4+GERM 3001 or 3003GERM 1001, 1002, 2003, 200412
    IB Greek (Standard Level)4+GRK 2004GRK 1001, 1002, 20039
    IB Greek (Higher Level)4+GRK 3001GRK 1001, 1002, 2003, 200412
    IB Latin (Standard Level)4+LATN 2004LATN 1001, 1002, 20039
    IB Latin (Higher Level)4+LATN 3001LATN 1001, 1002, 2003, 200412
    IB Spanish (Standard Level)4+SPAN 2004SPAN 1001, 1002, 20039
    IB Spanish (Higher Level)4+SPAN 3001 or 3003SPAN 1001, 1002, 2003, 200412

    Seal of Biliteracy/Global Language Endorsement

    LanguageLevelECU course that student takes nextCredit earned after completion of ECU courseCredits
    FrenchIntermediate LowFREN 2004FREN 1001, 1002, 20039
    FrenchIntermediate Mid or higherFREN 3001FREN 1001, 1002, 2003, 200412
    GermanIntermediate LowGERM 2004GERM 1001, 1002, 20039
    GermanIntermediate Mid or higherGERM 3001 or 3002GERM 1001, 1002, 2003, 200412
    SpanishIntermediate LowSPAN 2004SPAN 1001, 1002, 20039
    SpanishIntermediate Mid or higherSPAN 3001 or 3003SPAN 1001, 1002, 2003, 200412
    Other language not offered at ECU (i.e Chinese or Tagalog)Intermediate LowAny Foreign language course (CLAS, FREN, GERM, GLST, GRK, JAPN, LATN, RUSS, SPAN)FLGC 1001, 1002, 20039
    Other language not offered at ECU (i.e Chinese or Tagalog)Intermediate Mid or higherAny Foreign language course (CLAS, FREN, GERM, GLST, GRK, JAPN, LATN, RUSS, SPAN)FLGC 1001, 1002, 2003, 200412

    Bachelor of Arts (BA) students and Bachelor of Science (BS) in communication students who have only high school credit in the language are strongly encouraged to take a Placement Survey and continue study as freshmen. Free online surveys are available at Students who wish to study a language in which they have no prior experience may enroll in level 1001, but all students enrolling in Spanish are required to take a Placement Survey.

    Foreign students or native speakers of a language other than English may have the foreign language requirement waived after meeting with the Chair of the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures. Students are not eligible to take a placement survey in their native language to receive credit for basic elementary and intermediate level courses in that language, though they may still major in that language and consult with coordinators about placement above the 2004 level. The Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures defines a native speaker as a person who has graduated from high school in a language other than English or has the equivalent proficiency. In order to determine if students meet this definition, students should have transcripts on file with the Office of Admissions, and then contact the Chair of Foreign Languages and Literatures. Students who think that other life experiences have given them the proficiency to read, write, speak, and listen to a language other than English at a level comparable to 2004 may provide evidence, such as foreign language proficiency test results from an authoritative source to the Chair for evaluation. If the requirement is waived, the Chair will submit a petition in Degree Works. In this case, no student credit hours are given for 1001-2004; and students must still satisfy the total hours required for graduation by their major, which may mean taking up to 12 semester hours of electives in place of the foreign language requirement.

    Students who take the Placement Survey receive course credit without a grade, only upon successful completion of the course into which they place, as follows:

    • Upon passing 1002, students receive course credit (3 semester hours) for 1001.
    • Upon passing 2003, students receive course credit (3 semester hours each) for 1001, 1002.
    • Upon passing 2004, students receive course credit (3 semester hours each) for 1001, 1002, 2003.
    • Upon passing a course above level 2004, students receive course credit (3 semester hours each) for 1001, 1002, 2003, 2004 (the chair will submit a petition in Degree Works).

    Students who think that the Placement Survey has placed them incorrectly may enroll one level lower than indicated without departmental approval, or one level higher with permission of the chair, either prior to the start of classes or during the course adjustment period. If students want to enroll in a higher level or more than one level lower than placed, they should contact the Department Chair.

    In languages offered by ECU for which placement surveys are not available, the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures offers placement interviews. Students who plan to take languages not offered by ECU should consult the Chair for placement, course evaluation, and advice prior to enrollment.

    Sign Language courses do not count for the Foreign Language Requirement.

    Admissions information on AP, IB, and CLEP credit