FLL Resource Center

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The Foreign Languages Resource Center is located in Bate Building 2001. The Resource Center is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. unless otherwise posted.

The center is a free resource open to all foreign language students.

The Computer Lab (Bate 2009)

  • 24 Mac mini computers with Retina 4K display
  • Interactive White Board (upon request)
  • A black/white printing station
  • Headphones Logitech with built-in microphones (upon request)
  • Studio quality USB Microphones (Blue Nessie, Snowball, Spark: upon request)

The Applied Linguistics, Teacher Education & Community Engagement Research Lab (Bate 2001A)

The Applied Linguistics, Teacher Education & Community Engagement Research Lab provides resources for conducting and analyzing empirical research on first and second languages, language learning, language teaching, and engagement with Spanish-speaking populations. The lab helps undergraduate and graduate students develop research skills through mentored research opportunities and training (in data collection and coding, for example). Bate 2001A is equipped with a printer and Dell laptops. A white board is available for use. Seating capacity is four to five students.

Please contact the lab co-directors Dr. Laura Levi Altstaedter or Dr. Almitra Medina.

Graduate Assistant’s (Bate 2001D) and Learning Assistants’ Office (Bate 2001B)

The Graduate Assistants’ office is a great place for students to convene to study. The Learning Assistants’ Office is home to the “Tardes de juego y para charlar” Spanish Cultural Immersion program, led by experienced Learning Assistants who have excelled in our Spanish program.