FLL Major Wins Prestigious Language Scholarship
We are excited to announce that for the second consecutive year (and fourth time in eight years!), one of our Foreign Language Education majors, Mikaela Trank, has been awarded the...
We are excited to announce that for the second consecutive year (and fourth time in eight years!), one of our Foreign Language Education majors, Mikaela Trank, has been awarded the...
Fashion Representations in Cultures! No course meetings! Humanities & Global Diversity Credit GLST 2000.601 CRN 35435 (Block 2) No course meetings All online materials Culture/Lit./Film Gender Focus Race & Identity...
SPAN 4030: Discursive Analysis in Hispanic Studies Instructor: Paul Fallon TTh 9:30-10:45 CRN 35526 Resistencia y supervivencia en las zonas fronterizas/ ResistAnce and survival in the Borderlands Una multitud de...
ECU Educator Preparation Program SARA Statement BA in FLL Concentrations in: French or French Education Instruction is offered in French on the language, civilizations, and literatures of the French-speaking world....
2015. Juan Daneri, Text ed. and trans. Tras las sombras del Tibet / Behind the Shadows of Tibet by Alex von Bischhoffshausen (Patagonia: Desde las Antípodas Ediciones)
2015. Michael Schinasi. Ventura de la Vega and El hombre de mundo: At the Threshold of the Realist Period in Spain. (Academia del Hispanismo, Vigo Spain)
Dr. Jill Twark edited a book, Invested Narratives: German Responses to Economic Crisis, These narratives cover German economic crises from the past two hundred years have provoked diverse responses from...
A hard-earned congratulations to Dr. Nieves González Fuentes, who has just published her first book! Her book is titled No, hija, esta vez no: Una mirada feminista al cine de...