Suzanne Powell

Lead Administrative Associate
252-328-6017 (phone)
252-328-6233 (fax)
Bate 3334 (office)
Dept. Foreign Languages & Literatures
East Carolina University Mailstop #556
Greenville, NC 27858-4353
252-328-6017 (phone)
252-328-6233 (fax)
Bate 3334 (office)
Dept. Foreign Languages & Literatures
East Carolina University Mailstop #556
Greenville, NC 27858-4353
I have been with ECU since December, 2010. I started out working in Harriot College of Arts and Sciences, Office of the Dean. It is there that I established a working relationship with faculty and staff of the college’s 14 departments and its administrative offices. It was here that I was able to learn and grow until I joined the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures in October 2012. Coming to this department enabled me to hone my skills in a position where they would be fully utilized. I am honored to be a part of how Foreign Languages and Literatures functions, grows and succeeds.