Purificación Martínez

Associate Professor
Hispanic Studies
252-328-6522 (phone)
252-328-6233 (fax)
Bate 3308 (office)
Dept. Foreign Languages & Literatures
East Carolina University Mailstop #556
Greenville, NC 27858-4353
Hispanic Studies
252-328-6522 (phone)
252-328-6233 (fax)
Bate 3308 (office)
Dept. Foreign Languages & Literatures
East Carolina University Mailstop #556
Greenville, NC 27858-4353
- Licenciatura en Filología Hispánica, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
- M.A. Hispanic Languages and Literatures, SUNY at Stony Brook.
- PhD Hispanic Languages and Literatures, SUNY at Stony Brook.
- SPAN 4700/MRST 5000 Being Male in the Middle Ages
- SPAN 4555 Medieval Spain
- SPAN 3330 Advanced Spanish Composition
- SPAN 2550 Approaches to Hispanic Literatures
- SPAN 2440 Culture and Civilization of Spain
- SPAN 2110 Cultural Readings
- SPAN 1001-1002 Introductory Spanish
- FORL 6000 Spanish for Reading Knowledge
- FORL 2760 Women in Medieval Iberia
Research Interests
- Masculinity in the Middle Ages
- Queenship in the Middle Ages
- Development of the Medieval Prose
- Women in the Middle Ages
- Discourses of Power in the Middle Ages
- Shared Governance in Higher Education
Dr. Martínez’s field of research is Medieval Spain, in particular the chronicles of the 13th and 14th century Castile. She studies history writings as narrative. Her areas of interests include discourses of power and representation of male and female power in royal chronicles. A passionate faculty advocate, Dr. Martínez has also lectured widely about shared governance.
Selected Publications
- “¿Qué hacer con el problema de María?: Búsqueda y pérdida de la verdadera María de Molina.” Forthcoming.
- “Cómo hablar con los muertos: respuestas y retos del hispanomedievalismo estadounidense en los últimos veinte años.” Revista de Poética Medieval 21.2 (2008): 357-377.
- “Dos reyes sabios: Alfonso X y Alfonso XI y la evolución de la crónica general a la crónica real.” Lillian von-der-Walde Moheno, ed. Propuestas teórico-metodológicas para el estudio de la literatura hispánica medieval. México: Medievalia, 2003, 193-210.
- “The Exaltation of the King in the Chronicle of Alfonso XI.” The Medieval Chronicle 2 (2002): 144-155.
- “La historia como vehículo político: la figura real en la Crónica de Alfonso XI.” Espacio, tiempo, forma. (Serie III. Historia Medieval). 13 (2000): 215-231.
- “La Crónica y la Gran crónica de Alfonso XI: dos versiones ideológicas del reinado de Alfonso XI.” Hispanic Research Journal 1.1 (2000): 43-56.
Selected Shared Governance Presentations
- Strategies to strengthen the role of faculty in program closures. 2012 AAUP Conference on College and University Governance. Washington DC, United States of America.
- Faculty Evaluation of Administrators. 2011 AAUP Conference on College and University Governance, Washington DC, United States of America.
- The Role of Contingent Faculty in University Governance. 2011 AAUP Conference on College and University Governance, Washington DC, United States of America.