Katherine Ford

Hispanic Studies
252-328-6523 (phone)
252-328-6233 (fax)
Mamie Jenkins 107 (Office)
Dept. Foreign Languages & Literatures
East Carolina University
Greenville, NC 27858-4353
Hispanic Studies
252-328-6523 (phone)
252-328-6233 (fax)
Mamie Jenkins 107 (Office)
Dept. Foreign Languages & Literatures
East Carolina University
Greenville, NC 27858-4353
- A.B. Bowdoin College
- M.A. Middlebury College
- Ph.D. Emory University
Areas of Interest
- 20th Century Latin American Theater and Performance
- Narrative and Poetry of Contemporary Spanish America
- Feminist Theory
- Latino/a Theater
Research Interests
Katherine Ford specializes in Modern Latin American literature, concentrating on theater and performance of the twentieth century. She is currently looking at the connections between theater and film. Katie is a Senior Faculty Fellow in the Honors College at ECU and is interested in the role of the humanities in honors education.
- 2017. The Theater of Revisions in the Hispanic Caribbean. Palgrave Macmillan
- 2010. Politics and Violence in Cuban and Argentine Theater. Palgrave Macmillan.
- 2017. “Converting politics into history and history into politics: La muerte no entrará en palacio by René Marqués” Symposium (Summer 2017).
- 2013. “Archiving Antigone on the Puerto Rican Stage: Luis Rafael Sánchez’s La pasión según Antígona Pérez” In Whose Voice is This? Iberian and Latin American Antigones. (Ed. Jennifer Duprey). Hispanic Issues OnLine.
- 2010-11. “Sounds and Silences of the Habanero Stage: Theater and the Cuban ‘ Quinquenio gris’ (1971-1976)” Colorado Review of Hispanic Studies (Vol. 8-9) 353-70.
- 2009. “Performing the In-Between: Caridad Svich’s Iphigenia (A Rave Fable)” Gestos 24.48.
- 2007. “Splintering Theater: Violence in Griselda Gambaro’s Información para extranjeros” in Celebrations and Connections in Hispanic Literature. Ed. Margaret Parker and Andrea Morris. Cambridge Scholars Publishing: 211-221.
- 2006. “Spaces Inside Out: Gloria Anzaldúa’s Borderlands/La frontera” in Leading Ladies: The Hispanic Woman in the Arts and Literature. Ed. Yvonne Fuentes and Margaret Parker. Louisiana State University Press.
- 2005. “El espectáculo revolucionario: el teatro cubano de la década de los sesenta.” Latin American Theatre Review 39.1: 95-114.