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2018-2019 Outstanding Students
FLL Student Featured in Pirate Profile
Emmanuella “Ella” Dogbe-Tsogbe is majoring in foreign languages and literatures with a concentration Hispanic studies as well as molecular and cell biology. “I’ve always enjoyed biology, and it is a great way for me to obtain a solid foundation in science classes,” she said. “As for Hispanic studies, I started taking Spanish classes in high school, and I loved it so much that I wanted to continue with it and become fluent. Not only is Spanish the second-most spoken language in the world, it has helped me better understand other cultures as well as my own. Being able to speak English, French, Ewe and Spanish will offer me more opportunities to work abroad and better understand the people.”
Russian Studies Major Received Undergraduate Research and Creativity Award
Schuyler Chernauskas, a junior majoring in Russian Studies, received the Undergraduate Research & Creativity Award for her project titled, “Strong Women in Leadership: The Impact of Catherine the Great on 18th-century Russia.” Dr. Justin Wilmes, Assistant Professor of Russian Studies Interdisciplinary Program, is the student’s mentor. Congratulations!
Chancellor’s Horizon Awards for Service 2020
2020 Robert H. Wright Alumni Leadership Award Recipients
The ECU Alumni Association named its five student recipients of the Robert H. Wright Alumni Leadership Award. Two of our students: Pranaya Pakala and Ananya Koripella are on the list of the Award Recipients! The award recognizes students’ academic achievement as well as commitment to leadership and integrity. The students will be honored at ECU’s spring commencement ceremony on May 8, 2020. The Robert H. Wright Alumni Leadership Award is the most prestigious award presented by the ECU Alumni Association, given to students who live up to Robert H. Wright’s legacy of using leadership to influence positive change, just as Wright did as the first president of East Carolina Teachers College. Congratulations!
German Major Led to Career in Berlin
Alex LaRocca, graduated ECU in 2010 with a double major in History and German. “Today, I am working at Berlin’s oldest Local Guiding Company and have been living in Berlin for 10 years. The confidence to make this move in 2010, I gained as a result of my Study Abroad and the time studying German helped me gain the internship that brought me here. I began my Master’s Degree in 2013 at Humboldt and Freie Universitäten. I see my time studying German at ECU as the reason for my achievements over the past ten years. The faculty motivated and pushed me to advance and challenge myself developing skills I use to this day. Danke vielmals Herr Smith, Frau Twark, Jones, Jensen, and Goodman!”
FLL Graduate Speaks About Studying Abroad
Presentation on Living & Working in Japan
Graham Van Zwoll, the head of recruiting for ALTIA Central, a Japanese corporation, gave a presentation to ECU Japanese language students about living and working in Japan. The presentation took place on Sept. 19th, 2019 from 1:30-3:00 PM in Bate 1006. Two ECU alumni have gone to Japan and worked for ALTIA Central in recent years.
FLL Student Featured in Pirate Profile
Morgan Agner, a rising junior, is pursuing a degree in chemistry as well as a minor in Hispanic Studies. She is an Honors College student and an undergraduate representative for the Pirates vs. Cancer club at Brody School of Medicine. Her ultimate goal is to be a physician and care for minority groups in North Carolina. Read about Morgan here.
FLL Student’s Article Published in a Professional Spanish Journal
George Julian Hendrix, student in the Global Studies major concentration and in the minor program of International Relations and Comparative Government, has published an article based on his final paper for the Global Studies class GLST 4500. The article is published in Teknokultura, a professional journal of the Complutense University of Madrid. George dedicated his article to Dr. Juan Escourido, Assistant Professor at FLL, who encouraged and supported him. Here is a link to the current issue:
Outstanding Student Alison Moller
The President of the FLL Ambassadors and outstanding major in Classics, Alison Moller, BA Chemistry and BA Multidisciplinary Studies Program in Classics and Great Books triple major, is the 2019 winner of the Michael F. Bassman Honors Thesis Award. Congratulations, Alison!
FLL Student Awarded a Highly Competitive Scholarship
The John Philip Couch Scholarship is an award distributed by the North Carolina chapter of the American Association of Teachers of French (NC-AATF) to support French majors studying abroad in France. In addition to transcripts and recommendations, the competitive UNC system-wide award requests an essay in French “explaining the candidate’s reasons for planning to study in France, including career goals.” Jon Cockerham (second from right in the photo), a triple major in French, Communications and Political Science, is the first student from ECU to ever win the award. The French section is proud of his accomplishment. Congratulations!
FLL Student Selected for TedxECU
Francisco Corichi Jiménez-Garrido, a student of Master of Arts in Hispanic Studies Program, VIDANT Spanish Medical Interpreter and PCC/LCC Instructor, participated in the TedxECU Talk event during Research and Creative Achievement Week (RCAW) at ECU on April 1, 2019 in the Black Box Theater. His presentation title was Need for Spanish Medical Interpreter Programs: A Mixed Methods Study.
FLL Student Selected as a Fund for Education Abroad Scholar
Ruby Estabane, student taking Japanese in the department of Foreign Languages and Literatures was selected as a Fund for Education Abroad (national scholarship) Scholar and will be receiving funds to study abroad at Ewha Women’s University in South Korea. Read more here.
2019 Truman Scholarship Finalist
Jocelyn Bayles, a dual degree seeker in Hispanic Studies and Nutrition. Prof. Rosa Lopez-Cañete, states: “After teaching academically for 34 years, I can categorically say that Jocelyn has been one of the students who has impressed me the most. Jocelyn studied a whole semester in Granada, praised by the team of Educatrip and her professors there. Her host family was so enamored with her that they invited her to spend a month with them the following summer, something that I have not seen in the 9 years that I have been coordinating this program”. After her return, Jocelyn took SPAN 3700, Spanish for the Health Professions, where she equally excelled. Jocelyn is now a finalist in the very prestigious Truman Scholarship.
Bowling Success
Global Living Learning Community students are helping to host a group of 14 Short-Term Study Abroad Students who are here for one month from Shaanxi Normal University in Xian. Our Chinese guests are studying to be teachers in different fields and are working with colleagues in ECU’s School of Education and with the Office of Global Affairs. Global LLC Scholars are collaborating with the Office of Global Affairs to facilitate an intercultural exchange. This includes three events coordinated by Dr. Valko and several other faculty members of the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures: a mixer and discussion about University Life in China and the USA, an evening of bowling (and English practice), and a dinner before students depart for Xian.
ECU 40 Under 40 Leadership Awards Class of 2019
Without a doubt, Jason Sugg represents the very best that ECU offers its community: He is both a past and current student, an instructor, a volunteer, and an employee. He excels in all four areas! In 2014, Jason earned a BA Magna Cum Laude in German Studies (with a minor in History) with a GPA of 3.89. The faculty in the German Program agree that Jason’s linguistic acumen and intellectual grasp of cultural and literary concepts puts him the top 1% of our graduates.
Musical Postcard from Berlin
Studying abroad is a truly transformative experience, touching personal lives as well as guiding professional trajectories, as Cameron Stephenson showcased on Monday, November 19th, when he premiered sections from his “Postcard” Septet as part of the NC NewMusic Initiative at ECU. After returning from his summer study abroad program in Berlin, Music Composition major and German minor Cameron was inspired to turn his impressions and experiences into a musical composition: “Just like the postcards and souvenirs I bought to share with my friends and family, I wanted this piece to serve as a group of vignettes representing the memories and scenery of Berlin as I experienced it.”
FLL Students Received Study Abroad Scholarships
A number of FLL students were invited to an International Awards Ceremony hosted by the Office of Global Affairs on November 15, 2018. Two Russian Studies students were awarded the 2018 Harold H. Bate Scholarship for Study Abroad in St. Petersburg, Russia: Patricia Parke, a student from the lifelong learning program, and Aurora Venegas, a sophomore studying Russian and Security Studies. Three students in French were awarded the 2018 Thomas Rivers Scholarship for Study Abroad in France: Amanda Curran, a senior studying French, Communications and Political Science; Jon Cockerham, a senior studying French, Communications and Political Science, and Julia Beauchamp, a senior studying French and Communications. Congratulations!
FLL German Student Featured in Pirate Profile
German and Accounting double major Bennett Yeargan applies the critical thinking skills acquired in his German language and culture classes to his Accounting major: “learning a foreign language makes you think more critically and look at things from different angles to figure out what someone is saying, which in turn helps [me] think more critically in accounting.” Soon, he’ll have a chance to do so in the real world: after graduating from ECU this December, he will begin an internship with Ernst & Young in Nashville, Tennessee, and hope to work internationally in the future.
Scholarships Helped Russian Studies Minor Student Expand Global Awareness
Chase Neese, a senior majoring in biochemistry and minoring in Russian studies, received three scholarships in 2018 totaling $6,000, which allowed him to spend the summer studying Russian and communication at Moscow International University and interning at X7 Research, an international pharmaceutical contract research organization. Chase described this trip as one of the most influential experiences of his life and something he will cherish the rest of his life.
FLL Student’s Testimony After Study Abroad Program in Granada, Spain
One of FLL students who participated in the 2018 Summer Study Abroad Program in Granada, Spain with Prof. Rosa Lopez-Cañete spoke to The East Carolinian newspaper. “This was certainly a major trip of a lifetime for me and an excellent learning experience. I hope to remain friends with all the people I have met this summer… I look forward to visiting them soon… It is my opinion that all students should go abroad at some point in their educational pursuits.”
2016-2017 Outstanding Students
Spotlight on Interdisciplinary Research
Elisa Alfonso presented “Depictions of Musico-Cultural Syncretism in the Film Chico & Rita (2010)” at the NC Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium. Elisa is a dual degree student in Hispanic Studies and Music Performance (Flute), graduating in December 2017. She plans to pursue an advanced degree in Ethnomusicology.
Study Abroad Scholarship Recipients
Congratulations to French Minor Sadie Crockett on winning a major national award, the Benjamin A. Gilman Scholarship. In Summer 2016, HCAS awarded 20 study abroad scholarships. Among the FLL recipients were Mary Grace Lee, Genesis Burgos, and Rachel Griffith.
National Award Winners
Anna Lawrence (Spanish) was named a Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society graduate fellow; Amanda Keating (French) won a Phi Sigma Iota International Foreign Language Honor Society Scholarship; and Daniel Franch (Honors and German Triple Major) won a Fulbright grant to teach English in Germany.
Pirate Profile: Mia Willis
Mia Willis is a double major in Anthropology and Classical Civilizations with aspirations to graduate school in Classical Archeology. She is a poet, holds the Rogers Scholarship in Archeology and the Papalas Scholarship in Classical Studies, and she is President of the Foreign Language Student Ambassadors, and the Classical Studies Association.
2015-2016 Outstanding Students
Award Winners and Graduates, Spring 2016
FLL recognized its graduates, awards and scholarship winners, research presenters and honor society inductees in a ceremony on May 6, 2016. Sci-Tech C307. 3pm Of the four students graduating summa cum laude in fall, three were majors in Foreign Languages and Literatures: Leah D. Collins (BA Hispanic Studies) MacKenzie A. Mull (BS Elementary Ed, BA Hispanic Studies) Sarah N. Sipe (BS Chemistry, BA German) Amanda Brittany Keating won a $3000 Scholarship from Phi Sigma Iota National Foreign Language Honors Society in support of her studies as a French major, including study abroad in Strasbourg, Summer 2016.
FLL Student Research at RCAW
Eleven FLL students made research presentations at Research and Creative Achievement Week: Mia Willis, Elisa Alfonso, Kristen Fulcher, Spencer Jackson, Aenia Amin, Hannah Forde-Smith, Daniel Franch, Morgan Shelor, Anna Lawrence, William Sokolovic, and Paige Vaughan.
Undergraduate Research Award Winners
Three FLL students won undergraduate research awards: Aenia Amin, triple major in NEUR, PSYC, & Hispanic Studies · Spencer Jackson, double major in Biology and French · and Anna Lawrence, double major in Hispanic Studies and ANTH, who is working with Stephen Fafulas of FLL. Anna was recipient of a Phi Kappa Phi Eldean Pearce Graduate Fellowship for $1500 and is ECU’s nominee in the national graduate fellowship competition. Anna is also a member of the honors college and she completed an undergraduate internship with Dr. Christine Avenarius and her honors thesis in Spanish linguistics with Dr. Fafulas.
Highest Honors to Foreign Language Grads
Of the four students graduating summa cum laude this fall, three are majors in Foreign Languages and Literatures: Leah D. Collins (BA Hispanic Studies) MacKenzie A. Mull (BS Elementary Ed, BA Hispanic Studies) Sarah N. Sipe (BS Chemistry, BA German)
FLL Students Best Paper at TESOL
Anna Lawrence (undergraduate) and Ashley Meehan (graduate), won the “Best Paper Presentation Award” at the 13th Annual TESOL / Applied Linguistics Graduate Students Conference hosted at East Carolina University on February 13, 2016.
German Club helps refugees in Munich
ECU’s German Club received SGA support to send students to München over spring break (March 4-13) to help refugees acclimate to life in Germany (games and activities for children, serving meals, tutoring introductory German). They set up a “Go Fund me” account for the refugees to which anyone can give. Daniel Franch, a senior in the German program, recently was selected to receive a 2016-2017 Fulbright U.S. Student Award to Germany. The Fulbright Program is the flagship international educational exchange program of the United States. As a Finalist, Franch will represent the country as a cultural ambassador while overseas, helping to enhance mutual understanding between Americans and the people in Germany. Franch joins more than 100,000 Fulbright U.S. Student Program alumni who have undertaken grants since the beginning of the program in 1948.
2014-2015 Outstanding Students
2014-15 Undergraduate Research Award Winners
Jessica Rassau, senior in Classical Studies and the Honors College, and Kyle Binaxas, a double major in Russian Studies/Psychology, have received Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity (URCA) Awards in support of their research. Jessica is studying abroad in Italy and Greece, researching ancient Spartan military culture and Spartan participation in the Persian Wars. Kyle’s project grew out of his spring 2014 readings with Prof. Murenina on Aesthetic Choices in Soviet Animation and the Thaw of the 1960s. He is currently working with Prof. Hernandez in the Dept. of History.
Research and Creative Week Presentations
- Aenia Amin (BA Hispanic Studies) “The Association Between Metabolism and the Expression of Circadian Regulatory Genes” (Oral Presentation)
- Kyle Binaxas (BA Multidisciplinary Studies: Russian Studies) “Soviet Animation Before and After Khrushchev’s Thaw: Historical and Critical Analysis” (Poster)
- Kimberly Bostick (BA Hispanic Studies) “Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption and Food Insecurity in Obese Pediatric Patients” (Poster)
- Charles Jauss (BA Hispanic Studies) “Understanding Cultural Self-Efficacy Among Medical Students” (Poster)
- Jessica Rassau (BA Multidisciplinary Studies: Classical Civilization) “The Training and Decisions of King Leonidas” (Oral Presentation)
- Alix Rothbart (Hispanic Studies Minor) “Stress, Burnout and Coping Mechanisms among Health Professionals working in Pediatric Oncology” (Poster)
- Sarah Sipe (BA German) “Intensity of Amyloid-beta (A) peptides and the exposure of their hydrophobic residues in forming amyloid plaques” (Poster)
2015 Phi Beta Kappa Honorees
- Erin Cottrell (Psychology and Hispanic Studies)
- Sara Kurtz (Fine Arts and Hispanic Studies)
- MacKenzie Alyn Mull (Hispanic Studies and Elementary Education)
- Jessica Rassau (Classical Civilization)
- Sara Sipe (Chemistry and German)
Cultural Ambassadors
For many years, ECU Hispanic Studies majors have been selected as Cultural Ambassadors to teach English in Spain. In 2014-15, Robert Colson and Mario Becerra are serving as language and cultural assistants in Spanish schools. These cultural exchanges are transformative experiences, often leading our majors to pursue graduate education in country. 2013-2014 Cassidy Ann Cloninger: Úbeda (Jaén) Erika Nassar: very close to Granada, capital 2014-15 Robert Colson: El Palmar de Troya (Sevilla) Mario Becerra: Mallorca, applying for MA programs in Spain Erika Nassar: very close to Granada, capital, accepted into an MA program in Spain
Students often pursue opportunities like this for a gap year between undergraduate and graduate school. They receive a work visa (apply from the Consulate in D.C), medical insurance, and a monthly stipend of ca. $1,000. The work commitment is approximately 12-16 hours per week.
2013-2014 Outstanding Students
Robert H. Wright Alumni Leadership Award Winner and Phi Beta Kappa Honoree
M. Rachel Mehaffey, EC Scholar BS Chemistry, BS Applied Physics, Hispanic Studies minor Future Plans: Pursuing a PhD in Chemistry and Physics at UT Austin
Phi Beta Kappa Honoree:
Mariah Richards, BS Hispanic Studies Education Future Plans: Graduate School, MA in Spanish and Latin American Linguistic, Literary and Cultural Studies, NYU in Madrid
2014 Research and Creative Activities Week Presenters:
- Anna Lawrence (at left. BA-Hispanic Studies) Paper: The Personified Cultural Contrast in “Blancanieves”
- Joshua Mangum (2nd major BA-Hispanic Studies) Poster: An Information-Theoretic Approach to Cellular Decision-Making Strategies
- Jennifer Moser (BS-Hispanic Studies Education) Poster: The Effects of Implementing Authentic Materials in a Foreign Language Classroom
- Laura Pons (2nd major BA-Hispanic Studies) Paper: Blancanieves: The True Hero
- Jessica Chirico (Classical Studies Minor) Poster: New Technologies in the Public Library
- Megan Mehaffey (Hispanic Studies Minor) Poster: Insight into the Location of DNA Xenobiotic Damage by Mass Spectrometry
- Sandra Ross (Hispanic Studies Minor) Paper: Comparison and Contrast of Sethe and Scarlett as Independent Women
Graduate School Fellowship Recipient: Samantha Belmont, MA in French Studies, LSU
Micheal Veale, DAAD Scholarship recipient for study in German, 2013
This year’s recipient, MICHAEL VEALE, is a junior from Charlotte double majoring in Theatre Arts and German. Thanks to the award, Michael is spending this academic year as a student at the Freie Universität in Berlin, Germany, where he is taking advantage of the educational and cultural opportunities available to him as a resident of a major European city. ECU’s program in German is 1 of only 5 in the United States to have had an undergraduate receive a DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship in each of the last four years, and the only program in the entire Southeast to do so. These four scholarships represent approximately $45,000 in external funding for ECU undergraduates to pursue their studies in German and other fields of interest at an institution of higher learning in Germany. In Michael’s case, the German faculty would like to thank the faculty and staff of the School of Theatre and Dance, in particular Prof. John Shearin, Prof. Hector Garza, and Prof. Gregory Funaro. Their support of Michael’s candidacy was unwavering and much appreciated.
Mario Becerra and Briceida Rodriguez at the Spanish Linguistics in NC Conf.
On February 8, Mario Becerra and Briceida Rodriguez, who are completing a BA in Hispanic Studies and are student members of the SoCIOLing (Study of Community Involvement and Outreach & Linguistics) Lab, presented the poster ‘A sociolinguistic analysis of morphosyntactic phenomena in the Spanish of Pitt County: A pilot study’ at the SLINKI (Spanish Linguistics in North Carolina) Conference held at Appalachian State University, and again at the Southeastern Conference on Linguistics (SECOL) in North Myrtle Beach in March. Under the mentorship by Dr. Stephen Fafulas and Dr. Ricard Viñas-de-Puig, the students summarized the results of the research project in which they investigated the expression of future and clitic doubling constructions by native Spanish speakers from Pitt County.
2012-2013 Outstanding Students
Research and Recognitions 2013
- Mary Conlin (BA in Hispanic Studies) and Megan Mehaffey (BS Chemistry/Applied Physics, Hispanic Studies Minor) were recognized by the Phi Beta Kappa Alumni Association of Eastern NC for their Outstanding Academic Achievement.
- Drew Jester worked on an undergraduate research project with Prof. David Smith, which was published in the fall 2012 edition of Explorations. The Journal of Undergraduate Research for the State of North Carolina.
Research and Creative Activities Week:
- Heather Wiles (Hispanic Stud Minor) Poster: “Comparison of Mental Health Between First-Year College Students Residing in Living Learning Communities and Traditional On-Campus Housing.”
- Alexandra Terry (Hispanic Stud Minor) Poster: “An Examination of Women’s Roles and Status in the Aztec Empire”
- Stormy DeLucia (German Minor) Poster: “Aztec Music Education Before and after the Spanish Conquest”
- Jeffrey Coleman (Double Minor Russian Studies and Hispanic Studies) Poster: “The Effects of Self-Deprecating Humor on Candidate Approval when Appearing on Late Night Comedy and Soft News Programs”
- Cara Carr (Hispanic Stud Minor) Poster: “The Effect of Lithium Chloride When Combined with a Mineral Mix in a Rat Model of Mania”
- Kristen Williams (BA-Hispanic Studies) Poster: “The Mindful Motherhood for Pregnant Women Project”
- Kimberly Opsal (BA-Hispanic Studies) Oral Presentation: “Dietary Patterns of Female Hispanic Immigrants”
- Kathleen Erb (BA-Hispanic Studies) Poster: “Mineralogical Record of the Change in Direction of the Brazil Current and the Fate of Amazon-derived Sediments during Periods of North Hemisphere Glaciation”
- Michelle Collins (BA-Hispanic Studies) Oral Presentation: “Effect of Implicit Theory of Personality and Big 5 Personality on Responses to Biased Statements During Intercultural Communication”
2011-2012 Outstanding Students
Sara Davis, Outstanding Senior in Classics, 2012
“I hope to go back to school in the future, but I have many interests so my plans are uncertain. For now, I am working for Homeland Security in the D.C. area. I am proudest of my thesis, my small role in Aristophanes’ Lysistrata, and helping with the 24 hour recitation of Homer’s Odyssey LIVE! I enjoyed every moment I had with the classics department. I am glad I took 8 levels of Latin. Also, speaking at the First Annual Classics Convocation. Foreign Languages open many doors. It allows you to communicate with and understand other cultures. It also makes you better at your own language. I learned more about English grammar and vocabulary from foreign languages than in any English course. I took 4 foreign languages at ECU & I loved each one in a different way.”
Amber Heckart, Outstanding Senior in Spanish, 2012
Amber is 2011-2012 Phi Kappa Phi Outstanding Senior. “I plan on attending the Brody School of Medicine in the fall. After completing medical school, I hope to improve access to primary health care for underserved Hispanic populations in rural eastern North Carolina. I am proud of studying abroad in Santander, Spain in Fall 2009, graduating summa cum laude, as an East Carolina Scholar in the University Honors Program, receiving the Fullerton Foundation Medical Scholarship, being Inducted into the 2011 and 2012 ECU Servire Society for Community Service, being named 2011-2012 Phi Kappa Phi Outstanding Senior Award, and being named 2012 Outstanding Senior for Hispanic Studies, and lastly of my senior thesis research project in physiology: “Protective effects of the soluble guanylate cyclase activator BAY 60-2770.” Studying foreign language as a major challenges you to become immersed in a new language and culture different from your own. Through study abroad, your perspectives of people are changed and you develop into a mature, global individual.”
Matthew West, Outstanding Senior in French, 2012
I will be attending the University of Missouri in the fall to pursue a Masters degree in French. After receiving my MA, I would either like to teach at the high school level, or perhaps pursue a doctorate and enter the university level. My proudest achievement at ECU is the Fleming-Perry scholarship that I received in the spring of 2011. Majoring in a foreign language is important because it allows you to learn about another culture and communicate with people from that culture. Also, the job possibilities are endless. You can teach, work in international relations or affairs, or even be a professional translator. Lastly, learning, reading, and speaking a foreign language is fun! I wanted to add that the French faculty at ECU are so kind. I was so nervous during my first day of college, but the French faculty made that nervousness go away. The diverse backgrounds of the faculty made my French studies very interesting!
2010-2011 Outstanding Students
Scholarships and Grants
- Chadwick Spence was awarded a DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) Undergraduate Scholarship ($12,000), for study at Universität Konstanz in 2011-12.
- Marion Aitcheson, Stefan Haus, Patricia Musileck, Ekaterina Kiseleva and Alexander LaRocca. co-authored an article on Environmental Sustainability in Germany and the US, published in the 2011 issue of Valley Humanities Review, an online journal that showcases undergraduate research in the humanities.
- Five students presented their research at the lecture “Germany Ascendant,” hosted by The World Affairs Council of Eastern NC.
- Robert Hart had his abstract accepted for presentation at the Undergraduate Film Conference at UNC Wilmington.
- Ekaterina Kiseleva presented her original research at the U. Pittsburgh Graduate Student Conference.
- Ashley Hooper (B. A. in German and History) was named DAAD Young Ambassador ($1000), one of 40 in N. America. Ashley will attend all an expenses paid workshop in New York in August. She was also selected for the DAAD Alumni Association’s Academic Excellence Award for her achievement in German Studies both at ECU and during study abroad in Leipzig (2010-11). The DAAD funded Ashley’s participation in the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD) Academy (July 25-31, 2011) in Berlin ($1500). This Academy gives participants of all professional ranks the opportunity to discuss foreign affairs with officials from various governments with representation in Berlin and to tour embassies, German Parliament, and local cultural attractions.
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- Kenneth Pridgen and Daniel Stein completed full-time, semester-long internships with German firms in Europe under an ECU exchange agreement with the Duale Hochschule Mannheim.