Florencia Del Campo

On April 12th, 2022, the Emerging Voices series hosted a reading and conversation with Florencia del Campo. Originally from Buenos Aires and living in Madrid since 2013, Florencia has made her mark in contemporary literature in recent years. Her first novel published in Spain, La huésped (Base Editorial, 2016), was a finalist for the Premio Equis de Novela. In 2017, Madre Mía was published by Caballo de Troya, and her latest novel, La versión extranjera (Pretextos, 2019), won the Ciudad de Barbastro International Novel Award. In 2020, her first poetry collection, Mis hijas ajenas, was published after winning the La Bolsa de Pipas Prize from Editorial Sloper; that same year, she released her first young adult novel, Soy (Editorial Barrett, 2020). Her latest prose book, published by Candaya, is titled Que tenga una casa (2024). You can follow her here: https://www.instagram.com/florenciadelcampo/?hl=es